
Public Relations Committee

The public relation committee has an obligation to transfer a clear picture of the various working committees of the society in addition to the publication of the Red Crescent annual report, coordination and supervision for the preparation of concerts throughout the year, organizing visits for NGOs and associations, organizing visits to some state facilities in the public and private institutions.

Member Affairs Committee

The Committee to follow up the affairs of the new members in terms of attendance, inquire about dropping out,receive membership and introduce them to the nature of the association’s objectives and activities and then distributed to the various committees according to the desire of each member and according to the needs of the committees, also falls within the terms of reference membership development.

Social Services Committee

This Committee extends to all areas of the country where the members of this Committee shall study the cases of families and then provide material assistance and in-kind next to exchange monthly dues for those who deserve. The number of beneficiary families to help monthly 300 family also provides assistance periodic and to assist the month of Ramadan and beneficiary families numbering 4000 also offers various emergency aid.

First Aid Committee

The first aid training program was one of the goals that the association thought about and sought from the beginning of its establishment, and the committee aims to find a paramedic for every home. The committee also provides ambulance services in all activities that are held throughout the year in all parts of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Blood Donation Committee

The committee awareness campaigns for citizens and show them the importance and the need to donate blood for the injured and sick as campaigning widely across the country to organize the donation process.

Health Awareness Committee

This committee shall publish health awareness among citizens through lectures and training courses – documentary films and print brochures health awareness as part of the Ministry of Health in various campaigns such as immunization and health awareness.

Emerging & Youth Committee

Seeing that the youth are the future of any country, this committee was established in 1992 and prepares and promotes today’s youth to contribute to the social society.

Kindergarten Committee

Proceeding of the objectives of the association and belief in the social welfare has created the first home for children in 1975 and the aim was to help working mothers in the care of their children, in Manama .